1. Applicant Information
Complete by listing Organization or Company name and then the mailing address (note if the location of the facility is different from mailing address).
Contact Person: Please provide information for the person who will be the lead contact for the wood energy project.
Decision maker: Please indicate who or what committee or body of people has the ultimate decision making authority to decide on whether to install a wood heating system at the facility. (examples: President, Board of Selectmen, Town Council, Building Committee, CEO, etc.)
If you know the NHWEC Service you want: check the appropriate box or leave blank if you do not know
2. Questions about your facility
Type of facility: Describe the facility (and whether public or private in ownership) that you would like to explore the installation of a wood heating system for. (examples: town hall, school campus that includes 3 buildings with existing piping installed, five buildings currently heated with individual oil boilers, single office building, etc.)
Year of Building Construction: the year when building construction was completed.
Year of Major Renovation(s): the year or years when major building envelope(s) renovation occurred.
For each building please list: the name, size in square feet (heating space) and whether the building currently has a central boiler (or part of a district heating system with a central boiler in one building).
3. Questions about Your Heating System
Please answer the yes/no questions related to the existing heating system.
How is heat delivered to areas that need it? How is heat generated? Check the appropriate box(es)
If buried steam or hot water lines are used to connect multiple buildings…condition of the lines? Even if you have no direct knowledge of the condition of the lines, make a best guess estimate. For instance, if you have had no problems with the lines but they are 10 or more years old, check the “Good” box.
Heating Equipment listing: for each boiler or furnace in the existing system, list the size, heater type and fuel type, year installed and condition.
4. Questions about Your Fuel Use
To answer these questions, you need to look at your heating fuel bills or invoices for the previous year. List the fuel type (for each boiler or furnace), the year, volume of fuel gallons of fuel used and cost for that fuel.
5. Domestic Hot Water
Answer the questions about what system heats hot water. Also provide fuel type, year, volume, units and cost of the fuel if hot water is heated by a different heating unit then the central building heating system.
6. Other information
Expansion plans: Describe whether any expansion or renovation is planned for the building(s) you are contemplating for the wood heating system.
Additional heating loads: Fully describe if there are additional heating loads and/or seasonal loads.
Fuel Storage: Describe the tank storage capacity of the existing system, the year installed if you know and the fuel type. Do this for each boiler or furnace.
Energy Audit: Answer whether an energy audit has been done and when for the building(s) in question.
7. Community/Organizational Intentions
Champion: Is there an individual who is the lead person that will champion the project to completion if a decision is made to move ahead with a wood heating system? List that person. Leave blank if there is no such person.
Policy: if your organization or government entity has a policy on renewable energy for company or town/county buildings, please provide that and when it was adopted.
Other entities interested in the vicinity: Please list any local entities that might be interested in installing wood heating systems.
8. Attachments
Please provide a sketch if there are multiple buildings involved. If one building, this is not necessary.
Please include a copy of the latest fuel bill for the existing heating system.
Scanned documents are acceptable if the application is sent electronically.
9. Additional information
On a separate sheet (electronic document is fine) describe your energy goals and how assistance from NH WEC will help you achieve these goals. Provide as much detail about your overall plans as possible so NH WEC understands the context of this possible project.
10. Authorized signature
Please have the person who is responsible for the facility and is authorized to attest to the information in the application sign the application.
Either send the application in the mail to the address listed above or via e-mail if you wish to submit the application electronically.
Please send completed applications to: NHSEA, 54 Portsmouth St., Concord, NH 03301