We offer the following services:
1. Resources: Information about conversion of fossil fuel heating systems to modern, fully automated wood fueled systems;
2. Onsite Presentation and Initial Assessment: A field visit to your facility by a NH WEC Ambassador team that will provide a presentation on wood heating in commercial facilities. The team will also review your current heating system(s) and determine whether you should apply for financial assistance from the NH WEC to fully analyze your system. Learn more about our Ambassador Services.
3. Coaching: After an application is filed with NH WEC and funding is granted, a NH WEC Coach – an expert on modern fully-automated wood heating systems – will be hired at no cost to you and will meet with you, analyze your current heating system(s) and make a preliminary determination on whether you should pursue a switch to a wood heating system. The Coach can make a recommendation:
that a wood heating system is not appropriate for your situation;
to hire a wood heating installation company to install a wood heat system;
that a feasibility study should be conducted.
Learn more about our Coaching Services.
4. Feasibility study: If it is determined that you need a feasibility study to determine whether a wood heating system is appropriate for your situation, the NH WEC may choose to cost-share fund on that study. Learn more about pre-feasibility studies here.
Note: NH WEC will not fund the actual purchase and installation of a wood heating system.